Category Archives: Brain Box

Recap – BrainGym Playlist

The end of the school year is coming up soon. It’s time to recap some of the things we have looked at and learnt. Below is a playlist of some of the content the students and I made this year including our ‘How To…’ and ‘Word Of The Week’ videos. 


New Year’s Resolutions

It’s almost 2017. Can you believe it? 2016 has gone so fast. This week our students have been thinking about what resolutions and pledges they can make for the New Year. They’ve thought about small, positive changes that they can make at home and at school.  

Check out some resolution ideas int he video below. 

Now listen carefully to the children in the video below. They are talking about their New Year’s resolutions. They go to a school called Evergreen Mill Elementary. It’s in the United States of America. 

What are your resolutions for the New Year?

Christmas and Boxing Day

At SorBorOr we’re starting to think about Christmas. This year we thought we’d do things a bit differently and hold a small celebration on Boxing day.Boxing day is the day after Christmas. On this day people spend time with their families and give each other gifts.

We also want to think about how different countries and cultures celebrate Christmas around the world.

How much do you know about Christmas?

Take a peek at how some families celebrate Christmas in Great Britain. 

Now take a look about how other countries celebrate around the world.

What do you think is the most interesting Christmas celebration?

Explore The World

This week our P6 students began to learn about countries, nationalities and languages.

Here’s how to say “Hello” in different countries around the world. How many languages can you speak?

Our students are already really good at recognising the difference between countries and nationalities.

Watch the video below. What country do you think Kim is from? What is her nationality?

Now have a go at completing the table below with the correct countries or nationalities!

Country                                        Nationality                               Language

England                                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _                            English

_ _ _ _ _ _ _                              Dutch                                           Dutch

France                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _  

_ _ _ _ _ _ _                              Mexican                                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _  

U.S.A                                           _ _ _ _ _ _ _                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _  

_ _ _ _ _ _ _                             Thai                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _  

Scroll down for the answers!


Country                                        Nationality                               Language

England                                       English                                        English

Holland                                        Dutch                                           Dutch

France                                          French                                          French

Mexico                                         Mexican                                        Spanish

U.S.A                                           American                                       English

Thailand                                     Thai                                                  Thai  

The Five Senses

Our P5 students have been talking about the five senses. 

Look the photographs below. Imagine that you are in these places. What can you see, hear, taste, feel and smell???

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Try and fill in the blanks spaces below.

For example – I am on the moon. I can see the stars. They look beautiful. 

Where are you? I am on/in/at ___________

I can see _________ . It looks _________

I can hear _________ . It sounds _________.

I can touch _________ . It feels _________

I can taste _________ . It tastes _________.

I can smell _________. It smells ________

Do you believe in a sixth sense?? !!


What can you sense in each picture? 

I can sense _________ .