Category Archives: kid’s corner

Activities Morning

giza-pyramidsToday the whole school took part in different activities. Nate and I set up a station all about ancient Egypt. We challenged the children to build pyramids with Lego and newspaper then put the finished structures through an earthquake test!

The children also wrote each other coded messages using hieroglyphics. These are hieroglyphics! ↓↓↓

hieroglyphics-tableOnce they’d written their messages, they swapped their messages and decoded them. You can write your own Egyptian message at home.

There were lots of other interesting, crafty stations around the school too.


Recap – BrainGym Playlist

The end of the school year is coming up soon. It’s time to recap some of the things we have looked at and learnt. Below is a playlist of some of the content the students and I made this year including our ‘How To…’ and ‘Word Of The Week’ videos. 


Pledge Tree

On Friday we commemorated 100 days since the King of Thailand passed away.

A monk came to school, and the children gave him food and offerings.

Recently our children have been thinking of positive  changes they could make in their own lives.  They wrote their ideas down in the form of pledges. They wrote one pledge for ‘at home’ and one pledge for ‘at school’. Everybody hung their pledges on our special pledge tree.


It was a wonderful idea and the resulting tree looks beautiful. It will stand as a reminder for our students to always aim for their goals. 


Photo Diary

Last Friday, we celebrated Teacher’s Day, Children’s Day and Sport’s Day. We had three exciting events packed into one fun filled day.

First our students paid respect to their Teacher’s (us!) in a traditional ceremony.

Then in was time for Children’s Day. Children’s Day celebrates the young people of Thailand. After all, they are the country’s future.  It is also a good reason for children to have fun! We set up lots of different games for our students to play and win prizes.

There were delicious things to eat and drink too. Hi mums! 


In this game the player had to blow the ping pong ball into a cup. 

Benz won some potato chips! 



This challenging team game took a a lot of skill, coordination and cooperation. 


I’m not sure what this robot game is,  but it sure looks like a lot of fun!


This ball bouncing game also required a lot of skill. Check out the action shot below! 


At this station the students had to plunge their hands into icy cold water! 


Lunch time!

After lunch it was time for our mini Sport’s Day! Let the games commence! 

There were four teams. Green.






and pink! 


We had a tug of war!


Who is the strongest?! Pull!


The students silently cheered their team mates. 

Aun lead the cheering for purple team.


The students played a sport called chair ball. It’s very similar to basketball. 


Team huddle


Deow limbers up for the relay race.


On your marks, get set, go!!

It was a pretty hot day so our students cooled down with  delicious, cola ice lollies. Yum!

And the winners are……!

Lots of our students won medals. Congratulations everyone!




Review Week #Collaborate

This week the students reviewed some of the things they have been learning about during the past three weeks. 

The students in P5 and P6 had to work closely together and collaborate with one another. P6 debated the use of animals in sports and P5 presented their ideas about weird sports. 

Animals in sport – Debate 

P6 chose a sport which uses animals and debated the ethics of the sport. Half the class thought the sport was bad and were against it, and the other half thought the sport was good and were for it. 


Weird sports around the world

P5 had to prepare a brief presentation about a weird sport. They acted out the sport and each person spoke. They worked really well together. 


The Caber Toss! 






Gurning. What ugly mugs! 

Everyone showed off some great drama and English skills. Well done teams!