Category Archives: play and learn


It’s almost exam week! I’m sure you’ve all been studying and revising lots. If you need a break, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are a selection of educational games you can play when you want some time out. 


Click me to playpowerwords_top



This is a brilliant vocabulary game. Can you help super-girl to be really super by choosing the correct power words?! Choose wisely!

Don’t forget to check a dictionary if you don’t understand the words.

Click the picture of a dictionary for help ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓


Free Rice

Click me to play! fr_logo_eng

This website is ran by the United Nations World Food Programme. You can practice your English skills and help to make a difference in the world.

Each time you click, the United Nations will donate 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger. The World Food Programme has two aims – 

  • Provide education to everyone for free.
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.


What are you waiting for? Get clicking!



This game is a little more difficult than the previous two and requires a little more brainpower! Wordoff is a two player game. That means you can play it with a friend…Yay! 

To play click one of the colored letters. The letters appear blue if you are player 1 and purple if you are player 2. Now try and make a word using the letters surrounding the letter you clicked.

For example – In the picture below  ↓↓↓ you can click A and then I and then R….Air! The aim of the game is to win hexagons. This is a hexagon → top-hex

Click me! Good luck!



Where’s Wally!


Have you heard of Where’s Wally? It’s a really fun puzzle where you have to find strange items, funny things and silly people in a very busy picture. You’ve got to give it a go! 

Here’s how to play…

Step 1Click me!  


Step 2Choose a world.


Step 3Click the checklist


Wally 1

These are the items, things and people you have to find. For example – A muscular man! A bog biting a boy’s bottom! A popular girl!

Step 4When you find the items, things or people, click them! 


I found the muscle man!


Remember, the zoom button is your friend! Click it to get get a closer look!



P6 are learning to use new adjectives to describe feelings and emotional reactions. Like – Frightened/ frightening , amazed/ amazing , interested/ interesting and disappointed/ disappointing.


The ‘ed‘ at the end of the adjective means you are describing the emotions of a person or animal. For example – I was frightened. He is amazed. 

The ‘ing‘ at the end of the adjective means you are describing the thing or situation. For example – The movie was disappointing. The book is interesting.

I found a great game to help you revise ’emotions’ vocabulary. Hopefully you will learn some new words too. Use a dictionary or Google translate if you don’t understand a word!

Click me to play The Feelings Game!!! blue-play-button-md